image001Reaching 39 weeks pregnancy is a sign that your wait is nearing an end and soon you will become a mother. This is the time for you to relish. At this stage of the pregnancy, the baby residing in your womb has taken up most of the space and you will soon be experiencing labor pains building up as the moment of childbirth comes near.

Therefore, you must remain aware that the labor pain might start at any time and be adequately prepared for it. However, it does not mean that you cannot go about following the routine you have followed till now. More changes are taking place at this stage of pregnancy and go on reading this article which provides useful information about what to expect, what to eat and what to do for the health of you and your baby.

What Are the Pregnancy Symptoms at 39 Weeks?

As the time for childbirth draws near, you might start experiencing heartburn which would cause you a lot of trouble and make your pregnancy difficult. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating heavy foods and consume as many fruits as possible.

When you enter the last weeks of your pregnancy, you are going to start feeling that the time which has breezed past without your knowledge during your pregnancy days till now has suddenly stopped passing. The last few days would seem to go on forever as you wait for your child to come in to this world. Time literally stops when the special day approaches, so be ready for it.

At this stage, you might start worrying about childbirth and start wondering if your pregnancy is going to continue even after your due date. Don’t worry about it because even if such a thing happens, the doctors are going to wait for about two weeks before considering the option of inducing labor.

If you feel anxious at this stage, then find comfort in the companionship of your partner. Spend as much time with him and try to remain as relaxed as possible because it will help you in inducing labor.

How Does Your Baby Grow When You're 39 Weeks Pregnant?

During the last few weeks of pregnancy, the baby starts getting shape and it is almost time for him/her to come out in the world. At this stage, the baby would have gained a weight of almost 3 kg and would be approximately 50 cm in length. These numbers, however, are only average and the exact weight of the child could only be known after he/she is born.

In the last few weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s skin starts appearing and he/she begins to shed the protective covering of the greasy material known as vernix caseosa. This causes the amniotic fluid to turn milky and pale which was originally clear. New skin is taking shape beneath the baby’s outer skin layer and he/she will soon start shedding this outer layer of skin as well.

The baby’s hair would have grown quite a bit by now and his/her fingernails would also have elongated to a degree that they will begin to appear in front of his/her fingertips. The baby’s skull bones still wouldn’t have fused which allow the baby to come out easily.

If the 39th week passes and you still haven’t had your baby, then there is no need to worry. The baby might still need time and he/she might come after the due date. The doctor usually is going to wait for about 14 days before suggesting the option of inducing labor.

If you want to have a vivid picture of how your baby grows when you are 39 weeks pregnant, you can watch the video below:

How Does Your Life Change When You're 39 Weeks Pregnant?

When you are 39 weeks pregnant, your doctor is going to conduct abdominal exam as well as an internal exam to see how much your baby has grown. Your cervix is beginning to become soft indicating that the time of childbirth is nearing. Still this information is not enough for the doctor to predict the exact time at which the baby is going to come out. If the due date of your delivery passes and you still haven’t had labor pain, then your doctor might conduct a sonogram and decide whether inducing labor is a good option or not.

You must pay attention to the movements of the baby at this late stage of pregnancy and be sure to tell your doctor right away if you feel any changes that are out of the ordinary. Babies must keep on moving about until the time they are born, so if they stop moving, then call your doctor immediately. Moreover, if you think your water has broken, then also ring up your doctor as it is a sign that labor is about to begin.

More Tips on 39 Weeks Pregnancy



Take it easy

Don’t plan anything extravagant at this stage of pregnancy. Enjoy this time with your friends, family and most importantly your partner because after the baby is born, your life is going to take a whole new dimension.

Continue monitoring your baby’s movements

Monitoring the baby’s movements at this stage of pregnancy is vital. It is so important that most doctors ask the mothers to count the movements of their babies in the same manner as they did before.

Have a good sleep

Sleep is very important at this stage. If you cannot sleep while lying on your bed, then you can always get your sleep while lying in a reclining chair. This position is a lot more comfortable and most pregnant women say that they find it easier to sleep in a recliner during the last few days of their pregnancy.

Keep a balanced diet

In the 39th week of your pregnancy, try to eat fruits for gaining vitamins, pastas and whole grains for gaining carbohydrates and fibre, lean meat and eggs for gaining proteins, fish for gaining omega-3 fats and milk for gaining calcium. Besides these foods, you will also require nutrients like folic acid, calcium, vitamin C and iron as well.

Interact with your baby

During these last few days, try to talk to your baby and ask others to talk with him or her as well. Since the baby can remember everything that he or she is being spoken to, he/she will react to the sounds that are familiar to him/her after birth. Play music or read a book to soothe the baby so that he/she becomes prepared to come out of the womb at last. Try to limit your movements so that you remain full of energy when the time comes for childbirth.