image001 A female willing to conceive again after enduring a termination may fall in any of two categories. Most women believe that they have positive chances of conceiving quickly after abortion as they experienced no difficulty previously, while the other group of women may think that abortion or termination of pregnancy may affect their future chances of a healthy conception.

After abortion, a female can get pregnant; however, it is recommended to take some simple measures in order to optimize the maternal and fetal help and chances of an uneventful pregnancy. Read below to explore the healthy way for pregnancy after abortion.

Is It Safe to Have a Pregnancy After Abortion?

It is optimal to discuss pregnancy after abortion individually with the gynecologist or obstetrician for your safety. Abortion performed legally yield zero complications and is typically operated like miscarriage. Doctors usually recommend waiting for at least 3 months before trying to conceive, or longer if abortion experience was mid or late term. However, female who endures illegal abortion or suffered complications following the termination of pregnancy should wait longer. If the doctor advice no medical complication after examination then pregnancy after abortion is normally safe.

Mostly women don’t want to wait for 3 months after abortion, yet it is recommended to give body some time and rest so that it can regenerate and fix all the prior deficiencies. The wellbeing of pregnancy after abortion can be calculated by several factors. To certain extent, preconception behavior matters a lot to fetus. For example, it is vital to consume folic acid before becoming pregnant to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

The reason of conceiving again quickly after abortion should be analyzed. If a women had abortion due to some medical reasons, then probability of those reasons to occur again are high that puts the child and mother on high risk. Some women regret their choice of abortion and want to get pregnant quickly again that is a psychological guilt and thus not a sound option. Additionally, women may seek abortion because of fear of her life and/ or safety of her baby in particular living scenarios; in all such cases, the decision of getting pregnant again can put her in danger if those circumstances have not changed.

Look for more information about getting pregnant after an abortion? Check out the video below:

How Soon Can I Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

A female can conceive right away after an abortion. Ovulation in female is a natural phenomenon that is controlled by hormones. If no birth control option is utilized, the chances of conception are optimal as soon as normal ovarian cycles resume. That’s why if you are not looking to get pregnant again, use birth control methods after consulting a healthcare professional.

Pregnancy can occur within 7 to 10 days of abortion even when the woman is still bleeding. It is important to use reliable birth control technique just after the week following pregnancy termination. Women with aspiration procedure or early medical abortion can get pregnant almost immediately. Healthcare providers advise women with first trimester surgical abortion or D&C procedure to wait for a month at least so that the uterus can be healed.

How to Speed Up Recovery from an Abortion

  • Consume plenty of fluids.
  • Stay off from heavy load work for some days if possible.
  • Take proper sleep and maintain healthy sleeping habits. Consume healthy food and vitamins.
  • Religiously take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor to avoid the risk of infection.
  • Avoid exercising for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid tub baths or swimming for two weeks.
  • Avoid lifting weights over 15 lbs. or more for 2 weeks, avoid using vaginal stuff such as douches, tampons or sex for 2 to 4 weeks.
  • A female can ovulate within 2 weeks of abortion; therefore, avoid doing sex until you are fully recovered. You should also discuss with partner about any unplanned pregnancy if occurs. Let yourself indulge in sex only when you are emotionally and physically fit and avoid pressurizing yourself just to have sex in order to please your partner.
  • Women may experience abortion due to some mental health issues or due to poor prenatal diagnosis. In all such cases, it is recommended to consult your doctor about future pregnancies and birth control.
  • If a woman was along 9 or more weeks in pregnancy before abortion, then chances are that she may experience leaking of milky fluid from breast. The further along in pregnancy, the more chances of milky discharge. This situation is upsetting, but it would not last for long. Wear a well fitted snug bra to help with this situation and avoid stimulating nipples or breast. Wear bra 24 hours until the milk dries.

How to Get Pregnant After an Abortion



See a doctor

It is better to discuss with the doctor about the safety of pregnancy after abortion. It is vital to follow the advice of doctor.

Ensure no damage in abortion

Make sure that no damage had occurred during abortion. Usually legal abortions pose no risks over future pregnancies; however, if by any means damages cervix, then the female has uncertain chances for an uneventful conception.

Keep fitness

Keep yourself healthy and do all necessary steps to maintain optimal levels of fitness. Cut down or stop smoking, control alcohol consumption and caffeine intake.

Start sexual activities in time

Resume sexual activity as soon as the resting period ends. Frequent sex may increase the chances of becoming pregnant.

Catch the right time

Refraining from sexual activity 3 to 6 days prior to ovulation can increase the sperm count and thereby chances of pregnancy after intercourse.

Use ovulation kit

Consider buying OTC ovulation kit. It is inexpensive and available at pharmacies. It is optimal to have sex during ovulation period 14 days after last period. The ovulation kit helps in keeping the track of ovulation period.

Lie flat for a while

After doing sex, raise the feet and hips by placing a pillow under the bottom for about 20 minutes. This simple tip helps the sperm to reach the eggs easily.